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Our lab uses BioPRYN® tests to detect pregnancy.
BioPRYN® is a blood pregnancy test for ruminants that delivers fast, accurate, safe and economical pregnancy diagnostic results.
The technology works on all ruminants, including cattle, sheep, goats, bison and deer. 

How do we detect pregnancies?

We evaluate the blood for a protein called Pregnancy Specific Protein B (PSPB). PSPB is produced by the placenta, and therefore pregnant animals will have the protein in their blood.

How early in a pregnancy can animals be tested?

COWS - 28 days post breeding & 73 days post calving
Lactating cows have residual PSPB from the previous pregnancy until 73 days after calving. To eliminate the risk 
of a false-positive result, breeders are cautioned to take the sample at 28 days or more after breeding, and 73 days 
or more after calving.

HEIFERS - 25 days post breeding

SHEEP & GOATS - 30 days post breeding

What is the accuracy?

The test is 99.9% accurate at detecting empty animals. 

The false-pregnant (false-positive) rate for the test is approximately 5-7 percent.  It is presumed that a portion of this variance is due to higher early embryonic death, and not to test inaccuracy.

Inaccuracies can also occur because of mislabeling of samples or cross contamination of one sample with another. A new needle and tube must be used for each animal.

What are the advantages of using blood pregnancy testing versus other methods?
  • Producers incur less cost compared to rectal palpation and ultrasound by a veterinarian.
  • It is less expensive than currently available on-farm diagnostic methods.
  • Blood pregnancy detection allows producers to diagnose pregnancy more rapidly after breeding than rectal palpation, with no risk of damaging the fetus.
  • Correct open detection is very important because giving prostaglandin to misdiagnosed pregnant cows will cause abortion.​ Females identified as open can then be re-bred more quickly, resulting in tighter calving intervals, more calves born per year, and higher lifetime production.
  • The test is also more convenient to dairies and beef operations as producers can draw and post blood samples, rather than working around a veterinarian’s schedule. 

How long does it take to receive the test results?
The results typically ready the day after the lab receives the samples. 
Samples can also be processed on the same day (extra fee applies).
If samples are mailed, allow for post processing and delivery.
Results can be emailed, or phoned (if fewer than 10 samples) to the producer. 

How do we get the blood for testing?
Producers need to draw blood samples from the tail
vein,which is an easy-to-learn procedure.

Blood samples of at least 2 mL per animal
should be 
collected in individual vacuum tubes a
nd labeled
with each animal’s identification number and
sample number. 
It is important to draw samples using individual,
disposable needles, to avoid cross-contamination
between animals. 

How should blood samples be prepared and sent to the lab?
Tubes containing blood samples should not be opened and should be packed in a well-padded box to avoid breakage. They do NOT need to be packaged in ice. Samples may stay in transit for several days (up to twoweeks)without compromising the results of the test. 

Purchasing a Prepaid kit
Kits come with the equipment and disposable to collect blood.
The cost of the kit incorporates the laboratory processing charges.
Producers will be required to cover the cost of posting the samples back to the laboratory.
(Approximately $15 for a registered satchel through Australia Post)

Tail Blood collection


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